If you lead a Republican group and you want to get AHEAD of the election, then get your team of ladies trained NOW so they have a chance to master the Lady Up America influence skills, which will make GOTV sooooooooo much more effective!!!!!
When your group knows not only the “talking points”, but they know HOW to influence with them, AND can teach others to influence with them, that's a serious game changer!!!
As the largest group of Republican volunteers in the state, the Alabama Federation of Republican Women are actively involved in helping to elect Republicans at the federal, state and local levels. Diane Canada and the Lady Up America program were a valuable resource to remind us of the best way to win hearts and minds to our beliefs and values. Her story, her spirit and her knowledge inspired our women to be on the front lines fighting to save our country, yet reminded us to be warriors who use the fruits of the Spirit in our interactions. Diane's love of country and heart for people shines through her presentation. I highly recommend this excellent program. - Tiffany Noel, President Alabama Federation of Republican Women

Radical Marxists are after our children's innocence and freedom. We MUST stand in the way and never allow such evil to get that close to hijacking our country again.
This workshop will give women a better grasp of the most critical voter issues, a savvy way to bring our values into the modern conversation, and to influence like a pro! Women will have new confidence and proficiency to naturally persuade friends, family, and sway potential voters.
Diane Canada of Lady Up America gave our members hope, despite the challenging political climate! Diane taught our group effective ways to engage with those that have different worldviews, and reminded us about the importance of firming up our own beliefs and opinions to better dialogue with differing viewpoints. She reminded us that it's important to engage with truth and kindness, and her tools gave our members the confidence to participate in difficult conversations, in order to win the hearts and minds of those we encounter. - Kimberly Calcote, 1st Vice President Republican Women of Williamson County

Select a venue of your choice - doesn't have to be fancy - but think about how you'll provide beverages, snacks, and lunch
It could even be a potluck.
Don't worry about A/V (microphone, speaker, projector screen, etc) because Diane brings her own!
Schedule the event from 9am until 2pm.
This will be an incredibly effective day of training for your team!
There is NO CHARGE for these events with Diane.