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Writer's pictureDiane Canada


Lady Up America Vote

We're in the homestretch now of election season. Only the good Lord knows what news headlines will unfold between now and then. That's the point, though....HE knows.

I had myself torn in knots recently about this election until God finally got through to me that He already knows how this will all go down and He has already made arrangements for it. It is hard to release the outcome when we care so deeply, but that is exactly what we must do. That is what trusting Him is all about.

We have a part to play in going to the polls, casting our vote, especially when we have doubts that it will even count. But sitting home this election is NOT an option. That decision will have eternal consequences, I believe.

Remember, you're not showing up just for're showing up for Him....for your children and grandchildren....for America...regardless of the outcome.

If we Christians all turn out to vote, and the election still gets away from us, at least we can stand before God and say we tried. If we sit home and refuse to try and push this evil back, what will we say to Him when we have to answer for it?

We are The Church. We have spiritual authority. Let's exercise it this election season. And please vote early, if you can, to avoid any possible distraction or interruption in your voting plans.

This one counts BIG, ladies. Let's show up for Him! See you at the polls.

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