I don't ever remember being as sick as I have been this last week. Everything comes to a screeching halt when your body shuts down, doesn't it? Yet, nothing brings priorities back into focus like a week in bed, doing nothing but sleeping, thinking, and praying.
I used to give a speech about resiliency where I made the case that when you stretch a rubber band to a near breaking point, once you let go, it never returns to its original shape. It is forever changed. This can be a good thing when we're talking about people because it can mean that we now have a wider capacity. But what does it mean for a nation?

I often think about the TV programming from the 1950's compared to today's, especially the commercials. There were guardrails on that programming in an effort to protect the public from images or verbiage that was inappropriate. In today's media, those guardrails are all but gone.
We have stretched the boundaries so far that what we now deem normal would horrify the "greatest generation". Like that rubberband, America will never regain its original shape. Is that a bad thing? Is that a good thing? Let's see...
Our Founding Fathers interlaced Christian values into every aspect of society, government, schools, the public square, and certainly our homes. In my book, Lady Up America: Training Christian Moms For The Toughest Spiritual Battleground of Our Lifetime, I go into great detail in proving that heritage, debunking the "separation between Church and state", and making the case for how our nation is unsustainable without one moral compass: God.
The difference then is that we once had a consensus on that Christian heritage. We once had prayer in our walls of government, we had prayer in schools, and we had sermons printed on the front pages of newspapers. America's Christian heritage was evident and mainstream. That is no longer the case.
Nowadays, there are law firms, non-profits, activist groups, and media giants trying to dismantle our Christian heritage at every turn. The last Administration stretched us to our breaking point, BUT we didn't break. Instead, we used that rubberband like a slingshot and took that Administration out.

Could that mean we have a desire to return to the America we remember?
Although we have been stretched to our limit, what can take shape in the aftermath?
After that MASSIVE mandate in November, the Silent Majority used their voice at the ballot box. Now we need to learn to use those beautiful voices EVERYWHERE!
We all understand the gravity of this last election. It was sobering to realize how much of a foothold we have allowed the enemy to get. At this moment in our history, we need to make the case for Christ now, more than ever, even among the people here from so many different cultures and religious backgrounds. They are on OUR homeland and we will not be evicted from our homeland.
Let's reconnect with who we are and what we stand for instead of capitulating to some politically correct stance that nearly cost us our country. No, not everyone will accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. But Christianity is our nation's heritage. It is the "SOUL" of our nation. Our Christian values are still embers in our collective hearts and that is NOTHI(NG to be ashamed of.
Though not tied to a denomination, Christian values are what inform our politics and our culture. Those values are the umpire between right and wrong in our courtrooms, schoolhouses, workplaces, and public square.
For centuries, this was indisputable.
We've been bullied out of those places long enough by people who have NO shame in pushing their "religion" on us and then making us think that "we" are the intolerant ones. It's time to stand firm!
In my opinion, we need to capitalize on the momentum of this victory. We need to win back the Christian consensus in our country. People are more open now to hearing from the Church than they have been in decades. It's our time to rise and shine as Ambassadors for Jesus.
God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. His values that our country was founded on span centuries...span all of time. They don't go out of fashion.
Speaking the truth is hard, it's uncomfortable, and it does rock the boat....SO WHAT! Every beloved character in the Bible did the hard things. They did the uncomfortable. They rocked the boat. So, let's rock it!
America is a Christian nation. Hard stop.
This is a fact. From this point forward, I will declare that unapologetically and defend it as needed. I will vote and advocate for Christian values and dedicate my life to winning as many people to my Biblical worldview as possible. At the end of the day, it is the only work that has eternal value.
We may not ever return to our original shape, but maybe our capacity has been stretched, meaning our ability to understand the variety of subtle ways evil gains a foothold and how we have more skill in rooting it out.